[…]”Oh my Homeland, so beautiful but lost,
Oh I remember so dear, but so painful.

Golden harp inspiring the great poets,
Why do you shut up and cry?
Rekindle in our heart the memories,
Tell us more about our glorious history!” […]

These verses of “Va, pensiero”, a work by Giuseppe Verdi contained in the theatrical lyric of Nabucco, inspired my project based on ancient Italian architectural beauties in decline.

I found them perfect to express the feeling of loss of a historical heritage like the Italian, an ode to the rise and retransmit to the whole world the taste of art that has always distinguished us.

Since 2016 I travel all over Italy in search of these hidden beauties, not without difficulties, as they are not easily accessible and traceable.

My heart is tied in a particular way to the Risorgimento, period where the Italian patriotism had its peak leading to the unity of Italy. With martyred pride I try to revive the beauty and values of our past, very often belonging to that historical period.

Normally, those who witness photos of these places are confronted with scenes of obvious decadence and melancholy. Beauty is hidden under a layer of abandonment, dust and decay. But underneath, for those who know how to grasp it, you keep the charm and elegance.

And this is my intent: to convey the ancient pride of these forgotten beauties as if they were silent narcissistic entities in search of someone able to pass on their magnificence.

But I don’t limit myself to being a “chronoreporter” and representing these environments in an exclusively documentary way, I always apply a well recognizable fine art style, different from those who treat this genre.

I called my entire project “Forgotten Art-chitectures”, with an artistic approach to forgotten architecture.

This style, almost pictorial, is inspired by the works of Caravaggio. My palaces are decrepit subjects just like the models taken by the painter (beggars and prostitutes), transposed into something more noble where the lights go through the shadows of the scene illuminating treasures destined, unfortunately often, to be swept away by time.

[…]”Oh mia Patria, così bella ma perduta,
Oh ricordo così caro, ma così doloroso.

Arpa d’ oro ispiratrice dei grandi Poeti,
Perché taci e ti abbandoni al pianto?
Riaccendi nel nostro cuore i ricordi,
Parlaci ancora della nostra Storia gloriosa!”[…]


Questi versi del “Va, pensiero”, opera di Giuseppe Verdi contenuta nella lirica teatrale del Nabucco, hanno ispirato il mio progetto basato su antiche bellezze architettoniche italiane in decadenza.

Le ho trovate perfette per esprimere la sensazione di perdizione di un patrimonio storico come quello italiano, un’ode al risollevarsi e ritrasmettere  il gusto per l’arte che ci ha sempre contraddistinto.

Dal 2016 giro tutta Italia alla ricerca di queste bellezze nascoste, non senza difficoltà, poichè non sono facilmente accessibili e rintracciabili.

Il mio cuore è legato in particolar modo al Risorgimento, periodo dove il patriottismo italiano ha avuto il suo culmine portando all’unità d’Italia; con orgoglio martoriato cerco di far rivivere le bellezze ed i valori del nostro passato, appartenenti molto spesso proprio a quel periodo storico.

Normalmente, chi assiste a foto di questi luoghi si confronta con scene di ovvia decadenza e malinconia. La bellezza è nascosta sotto uno strato di abbandono, polvere e disfacimento. Ma sotto sotto, per chi sa coglierlo, si mantiene il fascino ed eleganza.

Ed è questo il mio intento: trasmettere l’antico orgoglio di queste bellezze dimenticate come fossero entità narcisistiche silenziose in cerca di qualcuno in grado di tramandare la loro magnificenza.

Ma non mi limito ad essere un “cronoreporter” e rappresentare questi ambienti in maniera esclusivamente documentaristica, applico sempre uno stile fine art ben riconoscibile, differente da chi tratta questo genere.
Ho cosi denominato il mio intero progetto “Forgotten Art-chitectures”, con un approccio artistico rivolto all’architettura dimenticata.
Questo stile, quasi pittorico, è ispirato ai lavori del Caravaggio. I miei palazzi sono soggetti decrepiti esattamente come i modelli presi dal pittore (mendicanti e prostitute), trasposti in qualcosa di più nobile dove le luci vanno a trapassare le ombre della scena illuminando tesori destinati, purtroppo spesso, ad essere spazzati via dal tempo.

[…]”Oh my Homeland, so beautiful but lost,
Oh I remember so dear, but so painful.

Golden harp inspiring the great poets,
Why do you shut up and cry?
Rekindle in our heart the memories,
Tell us more about our glorious history!” […]


These verses of “Va, pensiero”, a work by Giuseppe Verdi contained in the theatrical lyric of Nabucco, inspired my project based on ancient Italian architectural beauties in decline.

I found them perfect to express the feeling of loss of a historical heritage like the Italian, an ode to the rise and retransmit the taste for art that has always distinguished us.

Since 2016 I travel all over Italy in search of these hidden beauties, not without difficulties, as they are not easily accessible and traceable.

My heart is tied in a particular way to the Risorgimento, period where the Italian patriotism had its peak leading to the unity of Italy. With martyred pride I try to revive the beauty and values of our past, very often belonging to that historical period.

Normally, those who witness photos of these places are confronted with scenes of obvious decadence and melancholy. Beauty is hidden under a layer of abandonment, dust and decay. But underneath, for those who know how to grasp it, you keep the charm and elegance.

And this is my intent: to convey the ancient pride of these forgotten beauties as if they were silent narcissistic entities in search of someone able to pass on their magnificence.

But I don’t limit myself to being a “chronoreporter” and representing these environments in an exclusively documentary way, I always apply a well recognizable fine art style, different from those who treat this genre.

I called my entire project “Forgotten Art-chitectures”, with an artistic approach to forgotten architecture.

This style, almost pictorial, is inspired by the works of Caravaggio. My palaces are decrepit subjects just like the models taken by the painter (beggars and prostitutes), transposed into something more noble where the lights go through the shadows of the scene illuminating treasures destined, unfortunately often, to be swept away by time.

Seguimi per rimanere aggiornato sulle mie mostre ed eventi in programma, e per vedere i reels delle mie esplorazioni


Riproduci video



My passion for photography comes from the desire for adventure and exploration.

I was born as a landscape photographer who travels the world in a solo backpack, doing real tours sleeping exclusively in a car to be ready at dawn to the photo sessions directly on the spot. The search for spots for the best shots was an integral part of the difficulty.

I developed a natural fine art aesthetic style, not focused on reportage photography, I always needed to convey my own visual interpretation.

With the landscape you depend exclusively on the natural sunlight, I learned to master it in its different hours of the day and periods of the year.

With the photography of abandoned places I transposed both my desire for adventure and my experience in the mastery of light, in addition to my creative vision.

I rediscovered new challenges represented by the search for hidden and difficult to access places, not free from risks.

It is difficult to explain with words the feeling of exclusivity that you have in being alone in a place out of time, where you are an anachronistic figure entered to upset the ancient rest of the dormant building.

The cobwebs, the dust deposited on the furniture and the brambles that creep into the windows surround these melancholy fascinating places, full of hidden history: sometimes old photos and documents in old drawers reveal parts of the history of ancient families now vanished.

La mia passione fotografica nasce dal desiderio d’avventura ed esplorazione.
Sono nato come fotografo paesaggista che viaggia nel mondo in solitaria zaino in spalla, facendo dei veri e propri tour dormendo esclusivamente in auto per essere pronto all’alba alle sessioni fotografiche direttamente sul posto. La ricerca degli spot per le migliori inquadrature era parte integrante della difficoltà.
Ho sviluppato un naturale stile estetico fine art, non incentrato sulla fotografia di reportage, avevo sempre bisogno di trasmettere una mia interpretazione visiva.
Con la paesaggistica si dipende esclusivamente dalla luce naturale del sole, ho imparato a padroneggiarla nelle sue diverse ore della giornata e periodi dell’anno.
Con la fotografia di posti abbandonati ho trasposto sia il mio desiderio d’avventura che la mia esperienza nella padronanza della luce, oltre alla mia visione creativa.
Ho riscoperto nuove sfide rappresentate dalla ricerca di luoghi nascosti e difficilmente accessibili, non esenti da rischi.
Difficilmente è spiegabile con parole la sensazione di esclusività che si ha nell’essere da soli in un posto fuori dal tempo, dove sei una figura anacronistica entrata a sconvolgere l’antico riposo di un palazzo dormiente.
Le ragnatele, la polvere depositata sui mobili e i rovi che si insinuano nei serramenti delle finestre avvolgono questi luoghi malinconicamente affascinanti che sono carichi di storia celata; talvolta antiche foto e documenti in vecchi cassetti svelano parti della storia di antiche famiglie ormai svanite.

My passion for photography comes from the desire for adventure and exploration.

I was born as a landscape photographer who travels the world in a solo backpack, doing real tours sleeping exclusively in a car to be ready at dawn to the photo sessions directly on the spot. The search for spots for the best shots was an integral part of the difficulty.

I developed a natural fine art aesthetic style, not focused on reportage photography, I always needed to convey my own visual interpretation.

With the landscape you depend exclusively on the natural sunlight, I learned to master it in its different hours of the day and periods of the year.

With the photography of abandoned places I transposed both my desire for adventure and my experience in the mastery of light, in addition to my creative vision.

I rediscovered new challenges represented by the search for hidden and difficult to access places, not free from risks.

It is difficult to explain with words the feeling of exclusivity that you have in being alone in a place out of time, where you are an anachronistic figure entered to upset the ancient rest of the dormant building.

The cobwebs, the dust deposited on the furniture and the brambles that creep into the windows surround these melancholy fascinating places that are full of hidden history; sometimes old photos and documents in old drawers reveal parts of the history of ancient families now vanished.

_MG_7819-Modifica copia



The places I explore are generally enclosed and shrouded in darkness.

My stylistic research still lacked the secret ingredient to distinguish me from other explorers and photographers, often these rely exclusively on the beauty of the subject leaving out compositional techniques or the importance of light that is typical of photography.

The ingredient was Caravaggio, the first “photographer”: his technique has become legendary, with his way of mastering light with high contrasts of light and shadows.

I transposed my experience into the landscape to wait for the right light at various times of the day or different seasons, channeling it through the adjustment of doors or blinds.

The great Italian artist used marginalized subjects of society, like old beggars and prostitutes, and then glorified them in transpositions of saints and madonnas. And also his still lifes showed fruits in advanced stage of maturation, with atmospheres of autumn decadence.

My subjects, as decrepit as those of Caravaggio, are inspired by him to almost assume the quality of a painting, transforming something decadent and inanimate in a work where the dominant shadows and lights arouse in the viewer discordant emotions, aroused by an ancient beauty wrapped in darkness.

I luoghi che esploro sono generalmente luoghi chiusi e avvolti nell’oscurità.
Nella mia ricerca stilistica mancava ancora l’ingrediente segreto per distinguermi dagli altri esploratori e fotografi, spesso questi si affidano esclusivamente alla bellezza del soggetto tralasciando tecniche compositive o l’importanza della luce che è propria della fotografia.
L’ingrediente era Caravaggio, il primo “fotografo”: la sua tecnica è diventata leggendaria, col suo modo di padroneggiare la luce con alti contrasti di luce ed ombre.
Ho trasposto la mia esperienza nella paesaggistica per attendere la luce giusta nei vari momenti della giornata o delle differenti stagioni, canalizzandola attraverso la regolazione di porte o persiane.
Il grande artista italiano utilizzava soggetti emarginati della società, come vecchi mendicanti e prostitute, per poi glorificarli in trasposizioni di santi e madonne. Ed anche le sue nature morte mostravano frutti in fase di maturazione avanzata, con atmosfere di decadenza autunnale.
I miei soggetti, decrepiti come quelli di Caravaggio, si ispirano a lui arrivando ad assumere quasi la qualità di un dipinto, trasformando qualcosa di decadente ed inanimato in un’opera dove le ombre dominanti e le luci suscitano nello spettatore emozioni discordanti, suscitate da un’antica bellezza avvolta nelle tenebre.

The places I explore are generally enclosed and shrouded in darkness.

My stylistic research still lacked the secret ingredient to distinguish me from other explorers and photographers, often these rely exclusively on the beauty of the subject leaving out compositional techniques or the importance of light that is typical of photography.


The ingredient was Caravaggio, the first “photographer”: his technique has become legendary, with his way of mastering light with high contrasts of light and shadows.

I transposed my experience into the landscape to wait for the right light at various times of the day or different seasons, channeling it through the adjustment of doors or blinds.


The great Italian artist used marginalized subjects of society, like old beggars and prostitutes, and then glorified them in transpositions of saints and madonnas. And also his still lifes showed fruits in advanced stage of maturation, with atmospheres of autumn decadence.

My subjects, as decrepit as those of Caravaggio, are inspired by him to almost assume the quality of a painting, transforming something decadent and inanimate in a work where the dominant shadows and lights arouse in the viewer discordant emotions, aroused by an ancient beauty wrapped in darkness.

Seguimi per rimanere aggiornato sulle mie mostre ed eventi in programma, e per vedere i reels delle mie esplorazioni




Each of my photographs is the result of careful meticulousness that starts even before the shot and ends with the physical production of the work.

I study the elements present in the scene and try to merge them with the best possible light condition; I transposed my experience in the landscape to wait for the right light in the various moments of the day or the different seasons.

Next step in the editing phase, aimed at enhancing the best shot and create a pictorial atmosphere.

Finally, a suitable card is chosen to express this atmosphere and details are preserved even in the darkest shadows, which is difficult in dark contexts in which I usually find myself. Printing tests are carried out in the laboratory of the printer and the necessary improvements are made in the craft process.

The elegance of the final product is confirmed by a black aluminium frame.

Ogni mio fotografia è il frutto di un’attenta meticolosità che parte ancor prima dello scatto e finisce con la produzione fisica dell’opera.

Studio gli elementi presenti nella scena e cerco di fonderli con la miglior condizione di luce possibile; ho trasposto la mia esperienza nella paesaggistica per attendere la luce giusta nei vari momenti della giornata o delle differenti stagioni.

Sucessivamente passo alla fase di editing, rivolta a valorizzare al meglio lo scatto e creare un’atmosfera pittorica.

Infine viene scelta una carta idonea ad esprimere questa atmosfera e vengono preservati i dettagli anche nelle ombre più scure, cosa difficile in contesti bui nel quale mi trovo abitualmente. Vengono eseguiti dei provini di stampa nel laboratorio dello stampatore e si effettuano le dovute migliorie nel processo artigianale.

L’eleganza del prodotto finale è confermata da una cornice in alluminio nera.

Each of my photographs is the result of careful meticulousness that starts even before the shot and ends with the physical production of the work.

I study the elements present in the scene and try to merge them with the best possible light condition; I transposed my experience in the landscape to wait for the right light in the various moments of the day or the different seasons.

Next step in the editing phase, aimed at enhancing the best shot and create a pictorial atmosphere.

Finally, a suitable card is chosen to express this atmosphere and details are preserved even in the darkest shadows, which is difficult in dark contexts in which I usually find myself. Printing tests are carried out in the laboratory of the printer and the necessary improvements are made in the craft process.

The elegance of the final product is confirmed by a black aluminium frame.




Monovision awards (London)

2024     1°PLACE and ARCHITECTURE PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR – with “Va, pensiero” series

2024     HONORABLE MENTION – Architecture category with “Break from Oblivion” series

2024     HONORABLE MENTION – Architecture category with “Mors tua vita mea” series

PX3 – Prix de la photographie Paris

2024     2°PLACE ABSOLUTE  – Fine art/Architecturewith “Va, pensiero” series

2024     GOLD AWARD – Fine art/Architecture  category – with “Va, pensiero” series

2024     BRONZE AWARD –   Architecture / Historical category – with “Unshakleable faith” series

ReFocus awards

2024     1°PLACE /GOLD AWARD Black & white contest –  Fine art  category – with “Mors tua vita mea” series

2024     SILVER AWARD Black & white contest –  Architecture  category – with “Mors tua vita mea” series

2024     SILVER AWARD Black & white contest –  Architecture  category – with “Break from Oblivion” series

IPA  (New York International Photography Awards)

2024     HONORABLE MENTION –  Architecture / Interior  category – with “Va, pensiero” series

2024     HONORABLE MENTION –  Architecture / Interior category – with “Break from oblivion” series


PX3 – Prix de la photographie Paris

2023     GOLD AWARD – Architecture/ Interior  category – with “With proud and head held high” series

2023     SILVER AWARD –   Architecture / Industrial category – with “Too early for photovoltaic” series

2023     SILVER AWARD – Fine art / Architecture  category – with “Break from Oblivion” series

2023     HONORABLE MENTION –  Architecture / Historic category – with “Metaphisic of a descent” series

IPA  (New York International Photography Awards)

2023     HONORABLE MENTION –  Architecture / Interior  category – with “With pride and head held high” series

2023     HONORABLE MENTION –  Architecture / Industrial category – with “Too early for photovoltaic” series

2023     HONORABLE MENTION –  Architecture / Historic category – with “Allegory of a descent” series



Moscow International Photo Awards (MIFA)

2022     1°PLACE and “ARCHITECTURE PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR” – with “Break from Oblivion” series

2022     SILVER AWARD –   Fine art  category – with “Beyond the lens” series

2022     HONORABLE MENTION –  Architecture  category – with “Grav(e)ity” series

2022    HONORABLE MENTION –  Portfolio category – with “Forgotten Artchitectures” series

PX3 – Prix de la photographie Paris

2022   edition with famous Steve McCurry photographer in the jury

2022     2° PLACE  ABSOLUTE – Architecture  category – with “Break from Oblivion” series

2022     GOLD AWARD –   Architecture / Historic category – with “Break from Oblivion” series

2022     SILVER AWARD –   Architecture / Fine art- with “Break from Oblivion” series

2022     HONORABLE MENTION –  Architecture / Historic category – with “Va, pensiero” series

2022     HONORABLE MENTION –  Architecture / Interior  category – with “Grand Tour” series

2022     HONORABLE MENTION –  Architecture / Historic  category – with “Fallen Aristocracy” series

ReFocus awards

2022     BRONZE AWARD Black & white contest –  Architecture  category – with “Va, pensiero” series

IPA  (New York International Photography Awards)

2022     HONORABLE MENTION –  Architecture / Interior  category – with “Break from Oblivion” series

ND Award (Neutral Density Photography Awards)

2022     HONORABLE MENTION –   Architecture / Interior category – with “Va,pensiero” series



IPA  (New York International Photography Awards)

2021     1° PLACE – and nomination for best IPA Architecture photographer (non professional)  Architecture / Interior category – with “Va, pensiero” series

2021     HONORABLE MENTION –  Architecture / Interior  category – with “Break from Oblivion” series

Moscow International Photo Awards (MIFA)

2021     2° PLACE  ABSOLUTE –  and finalist for nominations “NEW TALENT OF THE YEAR” PRIZE – Portfolio  category – with “Forgotten Artcheology” series

2021     GOLD AWARD –   Portfolio / fine art category – with “Forgotten Artcheology” series

2021     GOLD AWARD –   Nature / Panoramic category – with “Millenial witnesses” series

2021     SILVER AWARD –   Architecture / Interiors  category – with “Risorgimento proud” series

2021     BRONZE AWARD –   Fine art / Other  category – with “Break from Oblivion” series

2021     HONORABLE MENTION –  Fine art / Other  category – with “Va, pensiero” series

PX3 – Prix de la photographie Paris

2021     GOLD AWARD –   Architecture / Historic category – with “Break from Oblivion” series

2021     GOLD AWARD –   Architecture / Interior category – with “Va, pensiero” series

2021     GOLD AWARD –   Architecture / Industrial category – with “In-dust-Trial” series

2021     BRONZE AWARD –   Architecture /Historic category – with “Va, pensiero” series

2021     BRONZE AWARD –   Architecture /Historic category – with “His Majesty” single

Chromatic Awards

2021     1° PLACE   Architecture category – with “Ring around the Rosie” single

2021     3° PLACE   Architecture category – with “Yellowish dust” single

2021     1° PLACE   Landscape category – with “Golden rocky shark” single

2021     HONORABLE MENTION  Nature category – with “Ascension to navajo heaven” single

2021     HONORABLE MENTION  Cityscape category – with “Venice soul” single

2021     HONORABLE MENTION  Nature category – with “Millenial witness” single

ND Award (Neutral Density Photography Awards)

2021     BRONZE AWARD –   Architecture / Interior category – with “Break from Oblivion” series

2021     HONORABLE MENTION –   Architecture / Interior category – with “Va,pensiero” series

2021     HONORABLE MENTION –   Nature/Panoramic category – with “The millenial witnesses” series

TIFA  Award (Tokyo International Photography Awards)

2021     2° PLACE ABSOLUTE  Architecture / interior category – with “Break from Oblivionk” series

2021     GOLD AWARD  Architecture / interior category – with “Break from Oblivionk” series

2021     BRONZE AWARD  Architecture / industrial category – with “In-dust-trial” series

2021     HONORABLE MENTION  Portfolio / Fine art category – with “Forgotten Art-cheology” series

2021     HONORABLE MENTION  Architecture / cityscape category – with “Sun Francisco rise” series

BIFA Award (Budapest International Photography Awards)

2021     GOLD AWARD   Nature / Panoramic category – with “Millenial witnesses” series

2021     BRONZE AWARD –   Architecture / Interior category – with “Break from Oblivion” series

2021     BRONZE AWARD –   Portfolio / Fine art category – with “Forgotten Artcheology” series

2021     HONORABLE MENTION –   Architecture / Interior category – with “Va, pensiero” series

MonoVisions Photography Awards

2021     2° PLACE –   Architecture category (series) with “Va, pensiero” series

2021     HONORABLE MENTION –  Architecture (single)  category – with “The Exit”

2021     HONORABLE MENTION –  Architecture (single)  category – with “Arabic upside down”

2021     HONORABLE MENTION –  Nature and wildlife (single)  category – with “Ascension to Navajo heaven”

Monochrome Photography Awards

2021     2° PLACE –   Architecture category (single) with “Arabic Upside down”

2021     HONORABLE MENTION –  Architecture (single)  category – with “The Exit”

2021     HONORABLE MENTION –  Architecture (single)  category – with “Ethereal Venice”

2021     HONORABLE MENTION –  Landscape (single)  category – with “Ascension to Navajo heaven”

2021     HONORABLE MENTION –  Landscape (single)  category – with “Rocky Yin and Yang”

2021     HONORABLE MENTION –  Landscape (single)  category – with “After the storm”

APA  (International Photography Awards)

2021     HONORABLE MENTION – Architecture (series)  category – with “Va, pensiero”

2021     HONORABLE MENTION –  Architecture (series)  category – with “Break from Oblivion”

Urban Photo Awards

2021     FINALIST OF 10 – “New buildings prize” category with “Death of sun

Siena International Photo Awards 2022

2021     FINALIST  

FAPA  (8th Annual Fine Art Photography Awards)

2022     NOMINATION –  Architecture  category (series) – with “Va, pensiero”

2022     NOMINATION –  Architecture  category (series) – with “Break from Oblivion”

2022     NOMINATION –  Panoramic  category (series) – with “The millenial witnesses”



2024 – Mostra personale presso ImagoPhotofestival di Orbetello come artista invitato

2024 – Inizio collaborazione con Galleria Bugno di Venezia

2024 – Opere in esposizione permanente presso Fondazione Donà dalle Rose di palazzo Donà a Venezia

2023 – Paratissima – mostra e fiera d’arte Torino

2023 – Mostra personale presso Fondazione Donà dalle Rose di Palazzo Imperatore, centro storico di Palermo

2023 – “Borders -itsliquid international art and architecture art fair”, Palazzo Albrizzi Capello , Venezia – Evento collaterale durante 18th Biennale architettura Venezia

2023 – Mostra personale presso “Sala Veratti”, in centro storico a Varese, museo civico

2022 – Vincitori PX3 AWARD presso Espace Beaurepaire, Parigi

2022 – Paratissima – mostra e fiera d’arte Torino

2022 – Vincitori TIFA 2021 presso House of Lucie Budapest, Hungary

2022 – Mostra personale  in centro storico a Urbino (Italy)

2022 – BAF fiera d’arte di Bergamo

2022 – Mostra personale presso “Sala Veratti”, in centro storico a Varese, museo civico

2021 – Annual PX3 Exhibition- vincitori PX3 awards 2021 di Parigi

2021 – Paviart mostra mercato arte 2021

2021 – PhotoPro Studios Moscow – vincitori Mifa awards 2021 di Mosca

2020 – Mostra personale presso “ Galleria d’arte Quadrifoglio ” a Rho (Milano)

2020 – Mostra personale presso “Sala Veratti”, in centro storico a Varese

2019 – Serata concerto ” Fotografia e pianoforte ” presso Villa Borletti di Origgio

2019 – Presentazione opere come artista della serata presso Rotary Club  di Saronno (Varese)

2023 – Solo exhibition at Fondation Donà dalle Rose, Palazzo Imperatore in historic centre, Palermo, Sicily

2023 – “Borders -itsliquid international art and architecture art fair”, Palazzo Albrizzi Capello , Venezia – Evento collaterale durante 18th Biennale architettura Venezia

2023 – Solo exhibition in “Sala Veratti”, historic centre of  Varese, civic museum

2022 –  PX3 AWARD winners at Espace Beaurepaire, Paris

2022 – Paratissima – exhibition and Art fair in Turin (Italy)

2022 – TIFA winners in House of Lucie Budapest, Hungary

2022 – Mostra personale  in centro storico a Urbino (Italy)

2022 – BAF – art marketplace in Bergamo (Italy)

2022 – Solo exhibition in “Sala Veratti”, historic centre of  Varese, civic museum

2021 – Annual PX3 Exhibition – winners of PX3  2021 Paris

2021 – Paviart – art market exhibition 2021

2021 – PhotoPro Studios Moscow – winners of Mifa awards 2021 Moscow

2020 – Publication with article and cover image on “Living”, Varese art and

design magazine (number 117)

2020 – Solo exhibition at “ Galleria d’arte Quadrifoglio ” – Rho, (Milan)

2020 – Solo exhibition at “Sala Veratti”, storic center, Varese

2019 – Music concert for piano and solo exhibition ” Photography and piano” at Villa Borletti , Origgio (Varese)

2019 – Artworks showcase at “Rotary Club Saronno”  – Saronno, (Varese)

2024 – Solo exhibition  at ImagoPhotofestival in Orbetello , Grosseto, (Italy) as invited artist

2024 – Starting collaboration with Bugno art gallery in Venice

2024 – Artworks in permanent exhibition at Donà dalle Rose Foundation in Donà Palace in Venice

2023 – Paratissima – exhibition and Art fair in Turin (Italy)

2023 – Solo exhibition at Fondation Donà dalle Rose, Palazzo Imperatore in historic centre, Palermo, Sicily

2023 – “Borders -itsliquid international art and architecture art fair”, Palazzo Albrizzi Capello , Venezia – Evento collaterale durante 18th Biennale architettura Venezia

2023 – Solo exhibition in “Sala Veratti”, historic centre of  Varese, civic museum

2022 –  PX3 AWARD winners at Espace Beaurepaire, Paris

2022 – Paratissima – exhibition and Art fair in Turin (Italy)

2022 – TIFA winners in House of Lucie Budapest, Hungary

2022 – Mostra personale  in centro storico a Urbino (Italy)

2022 – BAF – art fair in Bergamo (Italy)

2022 – Solo exhibition in “Sala Veratti”, historic centre of  Varese, civic museum

2021 – Annual PX3 Exhibition-  PX3 awards winners 2021, Paris

2021 – Paviart – art fair exhibition 2021 (Pavia, Italy)

2021 – PhotoPro Studios Moscow – winners of Mifa awards 2021 Moscow

2020 – Solo exhibition at “ Galleria d’arte Quadrifoglio ” – Rho, (Milan)

2020 – Solo exhibition at “Sala Veratti”, storic center, Varese

2019 – Music concert for piano and solo exhibition ” Photography and piano” at Villa Borletti , Origgio (Varese)

2019 – Artworks showcase at “Rotary Club Saronno”  – Saronno, (Varese)



(My nomination at 8:45 minute, Non professional categories as Architecture /interior winner)

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