— The decay collection —
“Da bambino ammiravo Indiana Jones ed i grandi film d’avventura: ora nelle ville decadenti del Settecento, nelle fabbriche dismesse d’inizio Novecento o nelle tenute agrarie dell’Ottocento riesco a trovare quella sensazione di brivido,avventura ed esplorazione…sono diventate il mio “Tempio Maledetto“.
“Da bambino ammiravo Indiana Jones ed i grandi film d’avventura: ora nelle ville decadenti del Settecento, nelle fabbriche dismesse d’inizio Novecento o nelle tenute agrarie dell’Ottocento riesco a trovare quella sensazione di brivido,avventura ed esplorazione…sono diventate il mio “Tempio Maledetto“.
“When I was a child I admired Indiana Jones and famous adventure movies: now I can find that adventurous thrill in the decaying villas of the Eighteenth century, in the rural mansions of the Nineteenth century and in the decommissioned factories of the early Twentieth century…They have become my “Temple of Doom”.
Una piccola selezione del meglio, tratto da anni di esplorazioni (dal 2016)
A little selection of the best, extracted from years of exlorations (from 2016)
Va, pensiero
(Luxury decay)
“[…] Oh mia Patria, così bella ma perduta,
Oh ricordo così caro, ma così doloroso.
Arpa d’oro ispiratrice dei grandi Poeti,
Perché taci e ti abbandoni al pianto?
Riaccendi nel nostro cuore i ricordi,
Ispirato dai versi del grande compositore e patriota Verdi, il mio cuore ed orgoglio italiano si rispecchiano nelle fotografie di queste bellezze architettoniche italiane che furono, ed in qualche modo sono ancora, il simbolo della nostra tradizione artistica famosa nei secoli.
Il tutto, mantenendo un mio stile, ispirato a Caravaggio, come un aggiunto tributo italiano ad un grande artista immortale.
Inspired by the verses of the great composer and patriot Verdi, my Italian heart and pride are reflected in these photographs about Italian architectural beauties that were, and somehow still are, the symbol of our artistic tradition famous over the centuries.
All while maintaining my style, inspired by Caravaggio, as an added Italian tribute to a great immortal artist.
Break from Oblivion
(Light vs Darkness)
A volte ti trovi al posto giusto al momento giusto. Quando appare una timida ed inattesa luce filtrante, magari per pochi minuti, si crea un’atmosfera magica, andando a stravolgere la corruzione tipica dell’abbandono e dell’oscurità, conferendo vibrazioni positive alla scena. Sono brevi attimi dove il luogo si riprende tutto il suo antico orgoglio e splendore, e riesci a catturare l’anima nascosta, trascendendo per un instante il logorio della decadenza.
Sometimes you are in the right place at the right time. When a shy and unexpected filtering light appears, perhaps for a few minutes, a magical atmosphere is created, going to upset the typical corruption of abandonment and darkness, giving positive vibrations to the scene. They are brief moments where the place takes back all its ancient pride and splendor, and you manage to capture the hidden soul, transcending for an instant the wear and tear of decadence.
Broken Dynasties
(The richness of furnitures)
Le esplorazioni più incredibili sono quelle dove trovo gli antichi ricchi arredi contaminati da ragnatele e polvere.
Una rarità perchè molto spesso nei decenni sono stati razziati da predatori. Il lusso, che sia di nobili palazzi o dell’alta borghesia, fa emozionare ancora: ti ritrovi in presenza di arredi frutto del lavoro certosino di artigiani.
La classe rimane classe.
The most incredible explorations are those where I find the ancient rich furnishings contaminated with cobwebs and dust.
A rarity because very often over the decades they have been raided by raiders. Luxury, whether it is of noble palaces or of the upper middle class, is still exciting: you find yourself in the presence of furnishings resulting from the painstaking work of artisans.
Class remains class.
(Private houses in decay)
In the houses you enter into the intimacy of families: furnitures in worked wood, that falls apart with small touches, the first appliances that made their appearance, black and white photos placed on old dressers, paintings of ancestors with mustaches or women looking too old for their age.
(Churches and chapels in decay)
In our tradition we have an artistic religious heritage envied by the whole world, whether they are deconsecrated churches, monasteries or private chapels inside palaces of rich families.
Places seemed forgotten by God, in which still resists a pale sense of sacredness, desecrated by vandals, thieves and inclement time.
Still death
(Abandoned objects)
Al contrario di un set fotografico di still life, non organizzo nessun set di luci artificiali, qui ogni oggetto è fotografato cogliendo l’atmosfera del luogo e fugaci attimi di luce naturale.
Play on words I created from the photographic genre “still life” but here the protagonists of the scene are objects in “dead” places belonging to other eras, consumed by time and neglect.
Unlike a still life photo set, I don’t organize any set of artificial lights, here every object is photographed capturing the atmosphere of the place and fleeting moments of natural light.
(Industrial Archeology)
I am inevitably attracted by the gigantic industrial complexes: huge spaces, often labyrinthine, where I wander for hours in search of the right lights or perspectives. Like a magnet I am attracted by those huge iron machinery, metal dinosaurs hidden in forgotten cages, in-dust-trial, subjected to the judgment of dust and time…it is not by chance that we speak of “industrial archeology”!
Lost civilization
(Public locations in decay)
The public abandoned places are the ones that most transmit strangeness to me: we are used to seeing them always full of people. Desolation takes on unsettling contours, transporting me into an ethereal dimension where the expectation of the multitude gives way to solitude.
(Up and down in the Darkness)
Made of wood, marble or iron; sometimes ramshackle and destroyed, other times with elaborate and majestic railings, always faithful to the context in which they are.
(Discovering the old hard work)
The gigantic barrels, the acrid smell of leftovers inside the wine demijohns, the old work machinery, the excrement of farmyard animals, inside and outside the structures: these are the recurring elements of the environments in the middle of the countryside, what they breathed and our great grandparents lived.
In the darkness of madness
(The asylum silence)
Addentrarmi da solo in queste strutture buie e silenziose genera in me sensazioni d’angoscia, chiaramente per il passato al quale sono collegate. Prigioni mascherate da ospedali. Ho visto parecchi finestroni con sbarre nelle vecchie ville a protezione dei ricchi signori, ma qui non erano per lasciare fuori, ma per tenere dentro…
Walking alone into these dark and silent structures generates feelings of anguish in me, clearly for the past to which they are connected. Prisons disguised as hospitals. I saw several large windows with bars in the old villas to protect the rich gentlemen, but here they were not to leave out, but to keep inside …